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How and when did music originate?

We do not know the exact answer, but we know for certain, that it was a very long time ago, many thousands of years ago.


when music appear: Bio

For primitive  Stone Age people  music was associated with their daily lives.
Women sang, cradling children, shepherds called the herd with the sound of horns, warlike exclamations plunged enemies into horror.

when music appear: Bio

The earliest music is thought to have involved singing and clapping, and then early humans probably began drumming by using sticks or other things found in nature.


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The first primitive musical instruments did not differ much from the tools of labor.


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An example is a pumpkin bottle, or clay pot.

  Stringed instruments were imitated the bow.

  Rhythm was very important in everyday life. Rhythm helped people work well.


when music appear: Bio

Some of the first-known musical instruments are flutes carved out of bones, like bear and wooly mammoth bones. Some of these bone instruments are from 45,000 years ago!

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